JCT Public API

The api is available at https://api.jct.cottagelabs.com/.

Request a compliance calculation

To carry out a compliance calculation, you can make an HTTP GET request, as detailed below.

GET /calculate?issn=[issn]&funder=[funder]&ror=[ror]

The server will execute the algorithm, and gather responses for all routes before responding to the request.

The parameters you can pass to the /calculate endpoint are as follows:

  • issn - either the print or online ISSN of the journal you wish to check. required
  • funder - the JCT ID for the funder that you wish to check. Allowable Funder IDs are listed here. required
  • ror - the ROR ID of the organisation that you wish to check. See https://ror.org for more information. optional

The issn field is the only required field, though without the ror and funder fields your results will be partial, and may not give you complete and accurate information.

If you enter an invalid funder, the API will respond with a 400 (Bad Request)

The ror field is optional, and is equivalent to selecting “Not affiliated” via the User Interface.


Overall response format

  "request" : {
    "started" : "<(int) start timestamp of the request>",
    "ended" : "<(int) end timestamp of the request>",
    "took" : "<(int) the time in ms between request start and end (on the server, not including travel time)>",
    "journal" : [
        "id": "<journal issn>", 
        "title": "<journal title>", 
        "issn" : ["<all of the matching ISSNs for this journal>"],
        "publisher" : "<journal publisher>",
        "price_data_years" : ["<int:years for which price data has been uploaded to JCS>"]
    "funder" : [
      {"id": "<funder ID>", "title": "<funder title>"}
    "institution" : [
      {"id": "<institution ROR>", "title": "<institution name>"}
    "checks": ["<list of routes calculated, (see Route IDs below)>"]
  "compliant" : "<(bool) true|false if there is at least one compliant card in the list of cards to show the user>",
  "results" : [
    {"<route response objects as per the below>": ""}
  "cards" : [
    {"<cards to be displayed as per the below>" :  ""}

Under request.journal.price_data_years you may find a list of years in which this journal’s price data has been provided to the Journal Comparison Service. If this is present it means that for all the years listed the journal has provided data to that cOAlition S service. The most recent possible data that the service could hold is for the previous calendar year. For example, if the current year is 2023, then the most recent price data possible would be for 2022.

Per-Route response data

For each route, there is a general response format:

  "route" : "<the ID of the route (see Route IDs below)>",
  "compliant" : "<the Compliance ID for this route result (see below)",
  "qualifications" : [
    {"<qualification id> (see below)" : { "<qualification specific data (if needed)>" : "" }}
  "issn" : ["<the ISSN checked for this result, if there is one>"],
  "funder" : "<the funder checked on this result, if there is one>",
  "ror" : "the ROR relevant to this result, if there is one>",
  "log" : [
      "code" : "<algorithm transition code (see below)>",
      "parameters" : {
        "<parameter name>" : ["<parameter value>"]

Route IDs

  • fully_oa - Fully OA route
  • self_archiving - Self Archiving route
  • ta - Transformative Agreement route
  • tj - Transformative Journal route
  • hybrid - Hybrid Journal route

Compliance IDs

  • yes - Route offers compliance
  • no - Route does not offer compliance
  • unknown - Not known if route offers compliance

Qualification IDs

  • doaj_under_review - the journal is in the DOAJ’s “in progress” or “under review” list, not the public DOAJ
    • no qualification specific data required
  • rights_retention_author_advice - the journal does not have a self-archiving (SA) policy and does not appear in the rights retention data source
    • no qualification specific data required
  • corresponding_authors - the transformative agreement (TA) is only open to corresponding authors
    • no qualification specific data required
  • oa_exception_caveat - the journal was OA according to the cOAlition S rules, but not present in DOAJ.
    • caveat - As the journal does not appear in DOAJ it may have caveats to the scope of the OA support


The log provides a list of decisions made by the algorithm, in order of traversal. This allows you to see the path through the algorithm that was taken to reach each decision, along with any relevant parameters.

See the table below for a full list of decisions, their meanings, and the parameters that may be associated.

For example, items such as this may be present:

  "log" : [
    { "code" : "FullOA.InDOAJ" },
      "code" : "FullOA.Compliant",
      "parameters" : {
        "licence" : ["CC BY", "CC-BY-SA"]
Full OA Route Codes
Code Meaning Property Property Value
FullOA.NoException The Journal is not in the cOAlition S list of compliant OA Journals which are not in DOAJ
FullOA.Exception The Journal is in the cOAlition S list of compliant OA Journals which are not in DOAJ
FullOA.NotInDOAJ Journal not found in DOAJ
FullOA.InProgressDOAJ Journal application found in DOAJ
FullOA.NotInProgressDOAJ No application found in DOAJ
FullOA.InDOAJ Journal found in DOAJ
FullOA.Compliant Journal properties are compliant licence List of Journal licences
FullOA.Unknown Journal properties are unclear missing List of missing properties
FullOA.NonCompliant Journal properties are non-compliant license List of Journal licences
Self-Archiving Route Codes
Code Meaning Property Property Value
SA.RRException Journal was found in JCT’s list of journals which explicitly do not permit the Rights Retention strategy
SA.RRNoException The Journal was not found in JCT’s list of journals which explicitly do not permit the Rights Retention strategy
SA.InOAB Journal was found in Open Access Button (OAB)
SA.NotInOAB Journal was not found in OAB
SA.OABNonCompliant The record in OAB did not comply with the funder’s requirements licence List of allowed SA licenses
embargo Embargo length (list of length 1)
version List of allowed SA versions
SA.OABIncomplete Some data was missing from the OAB record, no determination could be made missing List of missing properties
SA.OABCompliant The record in OAB complied with the funder’s requirements licence List of allowed SA licences
embargo Embargo length (list of length 1)
version List of allowed SA versions
SA.FunderRRNotActive Funder has not adopted the Rights Retention strategy
SA.FunderRRActive Funder has adopted the Rights Retention strategy
SA.Unknown Self-Archiving status could not be determined
SA.NonCompliant Self-Archiving is not possible under current circumstances
SA.Compliant Self-Archiving is permitted via Rights Retention
Transformative Agreement Route Codes
Code Meaning Property Property Value
TA.NoTA No TA was found that matched the query parameters
TA.Exists A TA was found that matched the query parameters
TA.NotActive The TA that was found is not currently applicable
TA.Active The TA that was found is currently applicable
TA.Unknown It was not clear if the parameters of the TA meet the funder’s criteria
TA.NonCompliant The parameters of the TA do not meet the funder’s criteria
TA.Compliant The TA is compliant with the funder’s requirements
Transformative Journals Route Codes
Code Meaning Property Property Value
TJ.NoTJ The Journal was not registered as a TJ
TJ.Exists The Journal is registered as a TJ
TJ.FunderNonCompliant The TJ does not meet the funder’s criteria
TJ.Compliant The TJ is compliant with the Plan S / funder requirements
Hybrid Journals Route Codes
Code Meaning Property Property Value
Hybrid.NotInOAW The Journal was not registered in OA.Works
Hybrid.InOAW The Journal was registered in OA.Works
Hybrid.NonCompliant The properites of the hybrid journal do not meet the funder’s requirements licence List of allowed hybrid licences
Hybrid.Unknown There was not sufficient information to determine if the hybrid journal meets the funder’s requirements missing List of properties missing
Hybrid.Compliant The properties of the hybrid journal are compliant with the funder’s requirements licence List of allowed publishing licences

Cards to show the user

The list of cards in the cards section of the response defines those particular routes to compliance which the funder wants the user to be made aware of. Cards are shown based on the compliance routes in the results section of the API response, and only cards which should be shown to the user will be listed. The content of the cards section of the response contains the full definitions of each card, which you can display to the user using the language files provided for that funder (see below).

  "id": "[card_id]",
  "match_routes": {
    "must": [
    "or": [
    "not": [
  "match_qualifications": {
    "must": [
    "or": [
    "not": [
  "preferred": "true|false",
  "compliant": "true|false",
  "display_if_compliant": [
  "modal": "[modal_id]"
  • cards[].id - a unique id for the card, an arbitrary string, but which will be used to identify the card throughout the language files
  • cards[].match_routes - match rules for compliant routes to determine whether or not to show this card
    • must - all routes listed must be compliant
    • or - at least one of the routes listed must be compliant
    • not - none of the routes listed may be compliant
  • cards[].match_qualifications - match rules for qualifications present in calculated routes
    • must - all qualifications listed must be present
    • or - at least one of the qualifications listed must be present
    • not - none of the qualifications listed may be present
  • cards[].preferred - the card represents a preferred route to compliance by the funder
  • cards[].compliant - the card represents a route to compliance, and the presence of at least one in the results will trigger the compliant style in the front end.
  • cards[].display_if_compliant - the list of routes, in order, to display information about whether or not they are compliant. If you leave this blank then no route-specific guidance will be displayed, but the default text for the card will be displayed anyway, so you only need to use this option if the card could display information about multiple routes, and you wish to control which information is displayed depending on which routes are compliant
  • cards[].modal - the modal to bind to the card’s overall modal (other modals can be specified inline in the card text as normal)

Funder Specific Language

Each funder in JCT may specify custom language for how the compliance information should be interpreted and displayed to end users. This information is optimised for use in the JCT user interface. Nonetheless it is also available via the API for use by any downstream systems.

GET /funder_language/<funder id>


GET /funder_language/<funder_id>/<language_code>

Use of the URL without language code will return the default language pack (English). If you request a language which is not provided for that funder, you will get the default language pack in response.

The response is a JSON document which contains all of the language used by the JCT front end, which covers:

  • General site text specific to the funder
  • Text for all API log codes
  • Content for all compliance cards
  • Any modals attached to any part of the information

The support for multiple languages can vary across funders. Most funders support all of the current translations (see below), but where funders have customised the language of their results for their own needs, unless translations of those customisations are also provided, they will be in the default language.

The list of broadly supported languages is currently:

  • English (en) default
  • French (fr)


Transformative Journals

Determine if a journal is a transformative journal, using the issn, and optionally the funder:

GET /tj/{issn}


GET /tj/{issn}?funder={funder_id}

where the {funder_id} comes from this list.

Response format:

  "issn" : "<issn requested>",
  "transformative_journal" : true

OR 404 if the record not found in the TJ database, or if the funder does not recognise the TJ as compliant with their policy.


Transformative Agreements

GET /ta?issn={issn}&ror={ror}

Response format:

  "issn" : ["<issn in the TA>"],
  "ror" : "<ror in the TA>",
  "result" : {
    "compliant": "<yes|no|unknown>",
    "qualifications": [
        "<qualification id>": {
          "<qualification specific data (if needed)>": ""
    "log": [
        "action": "<description of the action (see above for details.)>",
        "result": "<the outcome of the action (optional, depending on circumstance)>"

OR 404 if no TA exists for that combination.


The information provided by the Journal Checker Tool represents cOAlition S’s current understanding in relation to the policies of the journals contained within it. We will endeavour to keep it up to date and accurate, but we do not accept any liability in relation to any errors or omissions.