Exception lists
To the extent possible under law, the person who associated CC0 with this work has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.
Self-archiving Approved List
This is a list of titles from publishers which have directly acknowledged their intention to honour the self-archiving agreements which authors/institutions make with Plan S funders.
This list is supplied to JCT by cOAlition S, and can be obtained from this CSV.
The format of the CSV is straightforward:
- Journal Title (according to the publisher)
- ISSN (print) - The Print ISSN of the journal, if available
- ISSN (electronic) - The Electronic ISSN of the journal, if available
- Publisher - The name of the publisher
Journals which reject manuscript submissions that assert a prior CC BY licence
This is a list of titles from publishers which have explicitly expressed an intention to “desk-reject” manuscripts where the author has applied a CC BY public copyright licence to any Author Accepted Manuscript version arising from their submission.
This list is supplied to JCT by cOAlition S, and can be obtained from this CSV.
The format of the CSV is straightforward:
- Journal Title (according to the publisher)
- ISSN (print) - The Print ISSN of the journal, if available
- ISSN (electronic) - The Electronic ISSN of the journal, if available
- Publisher - The name of the publisher
Open Access Exceptions
This is a list of titles which meet the Plan S criteria for Open Access, but do not meet the criteria for inclusion into DOAJ.
This list is supplied to JCT by cOAlition S, and can be obtained from this CSV
The format of the CSV is straightforward:
- Journal Title (according to the publisher)
- ISSN (print) - The Print ISSN of the journal, if available
- ISSN (electronic) - The Electronic ISSN of the journal, if available
- Publisher - The name of the publisher
- Caveat - Any caveats you need to know about the nature of the exception
The information provided by the Journal Checker Tool represents cOAlition S’s current understanding in relation to the policies of the journals contained within it. We will endeavour to keep it up to date and accurate, but we do not accept any liability in relation to any errors or omissions.